Our Solution Your Results
Abeyon is dedicated to developing powerful mobile strategy and technology solutions that help our clients achieve their business and clinical goals.

We believe in the importance of linking business goals to technology through a well-planned process. Recognizing that every organization faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities, we take the following approach to each consulting and implementation engagement.

In the strategy phase we work closely with the senior leadership team to understand the vision, goals and priorities for the organization.

Drawing on our experience, market knowledge and research capabilities, we assess the current state of the organization and role of technology in advancing the organization's goals.

Our team focuses on issues like the following:
The organization's vision / Desired goals / Current state of technology / Initiatives designed to achieve those goals

In this phase, we determine the mobile technology solutions that align with the organization's strategy and business goals.

By identifying the right solutions and determining an effective timeline for implementation, we help healthcare organizations become leaders in their chosen markets.

Our team reviews these types of issues:
Internal roadblocks to implementing a mobile solution / Challenges in the marketplace / Identifying the greatest opportunities, both immediate ("low-hanging fruit") and long-term / Focusing internal and external resources most effectively

Next, we move quickly to design and implement the most robust mobile solutions
in today's market.

We understand the importance of developing convenient and easy-to-use mobile solutions that appeal to patients and families. We also know that strong design and an intuitive interface are vital aspects of mobile tools in facilitating user acceptance.

Our team focuses on issues like the following:
Design and development of new applications / Deployment of mobile devices / Upgrades to existing networks / Integration of mobility solutions with existing infrastructure / Training, educating and marketing services